I recently read the author Matt Haig's incredibly moving blog post entitled 'Reasons To Stay Alive' I wish with all my heart I could have shown something like this to Simon and that he would have believed it - or at least just hung on a bit longer to see.
If I could have shown him the post I would have also added the following personal words, things I really should have said when I had the chance;
1. I love you. Really. Not just words and not just because I have to. No matter what you've done I will always love you. I am not ashamed of you or disappointed in you, just sad for you.
2. Talk to me about Mum. I know you miss her every day because I do too. Just because she died years ago doesn't mean you should be over it.
3. Cry more often. You've always bottled your feelings up. Crying isn't a sign of weakness.
4. You are more special than you think you are.
If you haven't read Matt's post yet please do, chances are depression will touch your life some way sooner or later.